Tuesday, December 23, 2008

PART NINE - Conclusion

As you can see based on the very basic hypothesis presented, how intersex children are created is rather simple, and the possible solution could be even more common sense than one could imagine.

However, when you think about the issues that seem to cause the most confusion in our world, in our lives and about our bodies, the answer always seems to be the most logical, most common sense approach. It’s just that many times in our minds, we ‘need’ things to be much more complicated, with solutions that are out of our reach or our own control where we need to hire someone or pay a service for a ‘valid’ solution.

All this possible solution takes is your time, desire and love for your spouse and your unborn child. And all it asks is that the woman focuses on reducing her stress level, pamper herself, cherish her pregnancy and be loved. All that’s asked of the father is to focus on creating a more balanced and secure home life, pamper the mother of his child, cherish her and the unborn child, and show love for both of them.

Compassion And Understanding
At this point you should have a much better understanding about why males are born more feminine, some women are born more masculine, and why the choice to have homosexual sex, or choose to be gay, is not really much of a choice after all.

Just as any person born with a difference, or is different than you are, or what’s considered the norm, as a potential parent it may be time to try and have a bit more compassion for someone else’s child. Knowing what you know now, their condition may be actually based on the actions of his/her mother and father, and of no choice of his or her own.

Whether they give themselves the label of homosexual or gay, the only difference is that they may be born between genders, or with little or no desire to procreate with the opposite gender. So it’s important to really understand that these boys, girls, men, women had no part in how their hypothalamus was developed, and the impact it has and will have on their lives.

Right now you have been empowered and may now hold more information about their born condition than they have been able to obtain, or allow themselves to know. So while you focus on not creating your own Intersex child, have some compassion for those individuals who were already born intersex.

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